This is a personal homepage with some online tools and technical information.
Generally, none of the "tools" send data to the server, it's all JavaScript right in your browser.
Some pages require consent for a cookie and Google Ads, however (I'm trying to cover the hosting costs).
Other than that, only your anonymised IP address for each HTTP-request is stored on the server (to analyse site usage).
Reach me by email with L (at this domain).
Generally, none of the "tools" send data to the server, it's all JavaScript right in your browser.
Some pages require consent for a cookie and Google Ads, however (I'm trying to cover the hosting costs).
Other than that, only your anonymised IP address for each HTTP-request is stored on the server (to analyse site usage).
Reach me by email with L (at this domain).
- Relative length measurements in photos (online, no install, no upload - requires cookie, Google ads)
- Instant printable multi-week one-sheet calendar (online, no download - requires cookie, Google ads)
- Print big banners with page-filling letters (online, no install, no upload, no download - requires cookie, Google ads)
- Online encoder/decoder for Manchester code (requires cookie, Google ads)
- Simple, online run-length encoder/decoder (RLE) (requires cookie, Google ads)
- Speed up reverse engineering by enumerating LCD segments with OpenCV (Python)
- Image to code bitmap to header file converter (currently for monochrome, 8-bit "vertical scan" type OLED displays)
- Extract LCD font pixel data from HD44780 datasheet to create display screenshot images
- Generate checker image online for camera calibration or board games (chess, checkers, go)
- 256 Byte values in decimal, hex and binary, also inverted and reversed. Printable ASCII codes (TTL / RS-232 waveforms planned)
- Permutate a word to get all possible orders of its combination of characters
- Strip whitespace from text or code (to format one-liner JavaScript bookmarklets)
- Online calculator for the ideal, resonant LC circuit (tuned LC tank)
- Instant Beep with Web Audio API
- Measure double click speed
- Miscellany
- How to write a simple ad-blocking browser extension for Google Chrome that hides the Amazon shopping cart credit card ad and others.
- Decode Wikipedia URLs
- Mnemonic for the Nikon MH-65 battery charger status LED