This page extracts the 5x7 pixel character font data of the ubiquitous HD44780 LCD controller (Wikipedia) from an image of its datasheet's character map (using JavaScript, tested with Mozilla Firefox (48.0.2, 59.0.2) and Google Chrome 57, 65).
That font bitmap data (it's not a TrueType or OpenType font you would normally use on your computer) then could be used for text on a graphic display (LCD, TFT, OLED) or for generating documentation that wants to recreate the original appearance.
Below you will find a small demo that creates an image from the text you entered (you can save the image).

Click to toggle

HD44780 is the correct part number, but here are some with swapped digits:
HD47780, HD47880, HD47800, HD77480, HD74480, HD74880, HD74800, HD78440, HD78840, HD77840.
And the other 119 permutations, just in case ...
HD44708, HD44870, HD44807, HD44078, HD44087, HD47480, HD47408, HD47840, HD47804, HD47048, HD47084, HD48470, HD48407, HD48740, HD48704, HD48047, HD48074, HD40478, HD40487, HD40748, HD40784, HD40847, HD40874, HD44780, HD44708, HD44870, HD44807, HD44078, HD44087, HD47480, HD47408, HD47840, HD47804, HD47048, HD47084, HD48470, HD48407, HD48740, HD48704, HD48047, HD48074, HD40478, HD40487, HD40748, HD40784, HD40847, HD40874, HD74480, HD74408, HD74840, HD74804, HD74048, HD74084, HD74480, HD74408, HD74840, HD74804, HD74048, HD74084, HD78440, HD78404, HD78440, HD78404, HD78044, HD78044, HD70448, HD70484, HD70448, HD70484, HD70844, HD70844, HD84470, HD84407, HD84740, HD84704, HD84047, HD84074, HD84470, HD84407, HD84740, HD84704, HD84047, HD84074, HD87440, HD87404, HD87440, HD87404, HD87044, HD87044, HD80447, HD80474, HD80447, HD80474, HD80744, HD80744, HD04478, HD04487, HD04748, HD04784, HD04847, HD04874, HD04478, HD04487, HD04748, HD04784, HD04847, HD04874, HD07448, HD07484, HD07448, HD07484, HD07844, HD07844, HD08447, HD08474, HD08447, HD08474, HD08744, HD08744.

The HD44780 is the household name of character LCD controllers; compatible (read: clones) types are e.g. KS0066, ST7066, SPLC780A1.
Common display sizes (columns x lines): 8x1, 16×2, 20×2, 20×4.

Virtual HD44780

Just enter some text into the field below, the "display" updates automatically.


or right-click the image to "Save Image As.." (note that you'll get a transparent image with 1:1 pixel scale).
Font pixel data

The following is an image of part of the "Japanese Standard Font" character code / pattern table (A00) from the Hitachi datasheet for the "HD44780U":

(pixel info when mouse on image)

This part of the code set (ASCII with some exceptions) consists of 6 * 16 characters and symbols, and each character in this set has 5 * 7 actual pixels, i.e. 96 characters with 35 pixels each, for a total of 3360 pixels.
Of course it would be tedious to do read each pixel off the datasheet manually, so click on the "Scan!" button to have the computer do it in an instant:

Done! All the pixels have been sampled (and marked red).
Get the data below or generate some "fake" LCD screenshots to download as image file.

Some options: